Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, June 5, 2024
Children, I Ask You to Have Respect for the Body and Blood of My Son!
Message from the Queen of the Rosary to Gisella in Trevignano Romano, Italy on June 3, 2024

Dear children, thank you for responding to My call in your hearts.
Children, I ask you to have respect for the Body and Blood of My Son! During His Life He left His Blood for the Eternal Covenant. Respect children, this Covenant! Be docile to His Holy Commandments. Today, dear children, they want to take Jesus out of the world, out of your lives, out of the schools... you do not be deprived of God's Love. Be filled with His Holy Love, especially during the Sacraments!
My children, have reverence for the Body of Jesus, as do My Angels and Myself. Kneel and bow your heads before this immense miracle, which continues in all Holy Masses.
Pray, My children for My pastors, that they may always be enlightened by the Light of Christ in their hearts and consciences.
Now I leave you with My motherly blessing, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, amen
Many will be the graces that will descend
Source: ➥